Gram Vikas Seva Sansthan's Objectives
- To provide education to all children irrespective of any caste and creed.
- To provide education to the poor discarded and backward families.
- To build a self dependent and judicious social structure.
- To organize programs for women empowerment & education.
- To implement welfare schemes for the upliftment of women.
- To work for the betterment of destitute, handicapped, blind, widow, & older persons.
- To conduct vocational trainings, Training centers, Library, Reading room, School, hostel, child home, creche & Maternal and child health programs.
- To obtain scholarship, grant and all types of help for the growth of GVSS & community welfare.
- To conduct sanitation programs for the health improvement of society & to work for the welfare of rural community.
- To conduct various programs on population stabilization, health, AIDS awareness & environment conservation.
- To help the penniless in providing residential facilities and establish a ideal society.
- To conduct programs on – irrigation, agriculture, animal husbandry and to conduct development programs for arid and semi-arid regions.
- To conduct programs on – adult education, non formal education, balwadi, stitching, sewing and other vocational programs.
- To organize and strengthen youth working groups and to develop leadership their skills.
- To conduct programs related to national integrity and for safe drinking water.
- To organize events on day and festival celebrations and to ensure the proper management of potable water resources.
- To grow plants so as to reduce environmental pollution.
- To work for the welfare of the rural populaces by involving Panchayati Raj Institutions.
- To conduct programs on fraternity, communal harmony, mutual cooperation, drug de-addiction and untouchability.
- To work for poverty eradication and girl child education.
- To prepare for the natural disasters like epidemic, flood , drought & fire.
- To conduct residential and non residential schools for the boys and girls of labors class and of SC, ST, OBC, General & minorities classes.
- To disseminate loan information to the community for obtaining credit facilities for their socio-economic needs such as income generation, new employment opportunities & in case of any emergency etc.
- To work to raise consciousness by creating a favorable environment for the poor people, so that these populaces will be benefited from the public welfare schemes of government and achieve their goals.
- To help the poor women to improve their socio-economic conditions and promote relevant activities.
- To study endemic problems and sort out them with public private partnership.
- To obtain scholarship, grant and all types of help from government and non government organizations for the growth of GVSS & community welfare and provide assistance to the needy persons on no profit – no loss basis.
- To sensitize the credit institutions on the burning need of the poor people for obtaining credit in simpler ways.
- To work for increasing the living standards of destitute, handicapped, blind, widow, & older persons, deaf & dumb, mentally challenged, eradication of child labor, abandoned women, and other marginalized sections.
- To aware women SHG members on their self help group rights by motivating them.
- To conduct counseling centers and public welfare awareness programs for raising awareness on deadly diseases like – HIV/AIDS, T.B., Cancer, Polio, Malaria & Plague etc.
- To aware the rural populaces on obtaining loan and other social services and promote and support innovation in the field area.
- To run awareness campaigns on drug de-addiction, literacy, poverty eradication, drought mitigation programme, family welfare, construction of sanitation structures, abolishing social evils and family planning.
- To promote the people of all religions, caste and sections for microfinance & self-employment.
- To aware judiciary societies on the local development issues & provide information on the same on policies & regulations.
- Advocacy to sharper various issues related to development change.
- Skill development through science and rural techniques and to motivate for research on various aspects of Indian society, culture and environment.
- Promotion of conventional energy resources, water resources, water conservation, prevention of water contamination, wild life and environment (water, forest, soil, air, creature, and plants) conservation to generating awareness towards hygiene.
- To build pollution free environment by education people for chemical free farming. Imparting knowledge, relating to advance agricultural techniques, capacity building, conventional and organic farming, medicinal farming, agro faming, sesame & pulse farming. Educating people for grain storage, kitchen garden, live– stock conservation through medicinal remedies.
- To promote games and sports and youth leadership. To form social activity groups aiming to : remove drug addiction, promote basic technical education aware people about health & hygiene, famine poverty abolition, family welfare, fertility and child health, social taboos, family planning. Extension campaigns are being conducted by these youth grips creative activities.
- To generate help by the extensive campaign of youth groups.
- To run awareness campaign for rural health & hygiene and for serious disease like – HIV/ AIDS, T.B., Cancer, Polio, malaria, Heart Disease, Blindness, malnutrition etc. make people aware of conventional, natural, spiritual and alternative remedies.
- To run with / without boarding school, hotels and crèche for poor SC, ST, OBC and minority class children and child labourers.
- To organize professional training for lively hood and empowerment of women, advisory and partition cell for women, family counseling formation of Mahila Mandals and self help groups for overall development of women and small financial support is also made them available. To generate employment.
- To arrange training of traditional folk art, painting, literature, innovative applied art and handicraft and to provided a graceful platform.
- As per Gandhian ideology to form village community organization to focus upon education.
- To import elementary technical education at village level to the girl child and women belonging to schedule caste, tribe, minority and other backward class and to motivate them for employment.
- To establish schools, colleges and universities.
- To establish and run Hospitals.
- Publishing and marketing of research journals, monthly / magazine /fortnightly magazine/ weekly magazine and daily newspaper.
- Economic and social development by income generating employment through self help groups.
- To encourage the conventional cottage industry and to promote artisans related to various handicraft items by providing training for skill enhancement.
- To support and rehabilitation mentally / physically challenged, orphan, infant children and destitute Old people.
- To make efforts towards medications and health to conduct research in the area of medical health, to promote conventional methodologies for the cure of physical ailments and to make efforts for rehabilitation of drug addicts.
- To work for the betterment of primitive / tribal downtrodden / minority class people.
- To organize programmes for upliftment of the residents for slum areas.
- To abolish and rehabilitate prostitute and beggars and to make efforts for the abolition of bad social customs.
- To make efforts remove disparity pertaining to area/ community and financial status.
- To make efforts for human right protection environment conservation wild animals and the save animals conservations.
- To promote communal harmony and to abolish communal discard.
- To organize social educational tours, to organize camps / seminars and workshops for the groups to generate awareness in various classes of the society, to connect and acquaints people with the culture, history and archaeology and also to compile historical facts and politics it for marketing.
- Research and evaluation suggestive comments and progress report presentation of various govt. / non govt. projects which are functioning in various areas.
- To organize literary and cultural programmes.